Fast, stress-free, online tax preparation.
Worried about personal tax preparation? Not sure where to get started? Our expert tax accountants at CPA Plus will help you turn tax-headaches into the highest possible returns with just a few clicks. We specialize in virtual tax services, so that you can file quickly, easily, and cost-effectively without ever leaving your home or office. We provide a range of online tax services, including virtual tax preparation and individual tax preparation services, that make filing your return easier than a trip to the grocery store.
You do you. We’ll handle the taxes.
We’ve helped thousands of individuals in Ontario and across Ottawa with income tax preparation, and they all tell us that the last thing they want to spend their time on is taxes. We get it, T4’s, deductions, balancing receipts… it isn’t for everyone. Thankfully, we love what we do. Helping you file your tax return is why we became income tax accountants in the first place. We love it when our clients are happy and stress-free, so why not focus on what matters to you and let us handle the taxes?
Service that’s safe, secure, and simple.
The most important factor for any accountant filing your tax return online, is keeping your data safe. That’s why we only use top-of-the-line services like Sharefile that utilize SSL/TLS encryption protocols and AES 256-bit encryption to keep your information secure at all times. It’s the same software we use to prepare our own income taxes.
As an added bonus, when your accountant files your return online, you save on time and effort. Imagine sharing files and receipts with your personal tax accountant, with just a click. You don’t even have to leave the house!